Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009 !

Copacabana Beach Today ( New Year´s Eve )

My New Year’s Celebration this year was by the beach watching
the fireworks and drinking Champagne !

It was really cool ( even though a little too crowded for my taste ) to celebrate it by the ocean again after all these years.
It is so peaceful ... even with all the noise .

Wishing all of you my dear friends a 2009 full of joy , peace and health !
Next year I might try spending it in Copacabana. Right down there in the crowd .They calculate that this year two million people spent the festivities in Copacabana and another one million along the rest of the coast.


Like they say in Brazil , Axé !

This was taken earlier today by the beach

... and yes , I did drink coconut water ...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays !

( My apartment in New York City last year ... )
Another Holiday Season is just around the corner...and for the first time in twenty years I am not spending it in my beloved New York , near my friends ... and that makes me feel blue ... I am homesick !
Spending it here in Rio at 110 degrees makes me feel like the turkeys and the chestnuts that embellish our tables at this time of the year ...
Be sure that I miss you all very much and that you will all be in my thoughts and prayers.
And I thought that more than celebrating Christmas , Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, we should celebrate life.
That's why I picked a beautiful article I read from a Brazilian Rabbi that made me think a lot about what really matters in life.
( uma versão em portugues segue logo abaixo )
Waiting for ...
“ We wait too long to do what needs to be done , in a world that only gives us one day at a time , without any guarantee of a tomorrow.
While we lament that life is too short, we act as if we had available to us an endless supply of extra time.
We wait too long to say the words of forgiveness that must be said , to put aside bitter feelings that need to be expelled , to express our gratitude, to comfort someone.
We wait too long to show affection to our parents, relatives and friends.
Who knows how soon will be too late?
We wait too long to read the books, listen to the songs, see the paintings that are waiting to broad our minds, enrich our spirit and expand our soul.
We wait too long to say the prayers that are waiting to cross our lips, to execute the tasks that are waiting to be fulfilled, to express the love that might not be needed tomorrow.
We wait too long backstage, while life has a role to be played on stage.
God is also waiting for us.
Waiting for us to stop waiting.
Waiting for us to do NOW everything why this day and this life were given us for.
( Rabino Henry Sobel )
"Esperamos demais para fazer o que é preciso ser feito,
num mundo que só nos dá um dia de cada vez, sem nenhuma garantia do amanhã.
Enquanto lamentamos que a vida é curta, agimos como se tivéssemos
à nossa disposição um estoque inesgotável de tempo.
Esperamos demais para dizer as palavras de perdão que devem ser ditas,
para pôr de lado rancores que devem ser expulsos,
para expressar gratidão, para dar ânimo, para oferecer consolo.
Esperamos demais para dar carinho aos nossos pais, irmãos, amigos.
Quem sabe quão logo será tarde demais?
Esperamos demais para ler os livros, para ouvir as músicas,
para ver os quadros que estão esperando para alargar nossa mente,
enriquecer nosso espírito e expandir nossa alma.
Esperamos demais para enunciar as preces que estão esperando
para atravessar nossos lábios, para executar as tarefas
que estão esperando para serem cumpridas,
para demonstrar o amor que talvez não seja mais necessário amanhã.
Esperamos demais nos bastidores, quando a vida tem
um papel para desempenhar no palco.
Deus também está nos esperando.
Esperando nós pararmos de esperar.
Esperando nós começarmos a fazer AGORA tudo aquilo
para qual este dia e esta vida nos foram dados.
( Rabbi Henry Sobel )
Happy Holidays !

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Walk Walk Walk ... Run Run Run

Walk , walk , walk
Run , run , run
Rush , rush , rush
Fast , fast , fast
We are always ina hurry
To get nowhere
To accomplish nothing
Just rushing
Nowhere to go
No one to run to.
And here we are.
We rush so much
That we forget the essence of it all:
To enjoy life !
Sorry my friends.
I promised to create this Blog
right before leaving ...
but I kept postponing it and only now
, seven months later ,
I am finally doing it. I hope I can update it as
often as I plan to...
But knowing myself, it might happen only
once a week or so.
I just want you all to know that I
miss you all so very much !
And I will try to update you
with photos as well.
And I beg you: Please do not forget me.
Ever !

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Skyline Pigeon

Skyline Pigeon
( Elton John * 1973 )

Turn me loose from your hands
Let me fly to distant lands
Over green fields, trees and mountains
Flowers and forest fountains
Home along the lanes of the skyway
For this dark and lonely room
Projects a shadow cast in gloom
And my eyes are mirrors
Of the world outside
Thinking of the way
That the wind can turn the tide
And these shadows turn
From purple into grey
For just a Skyline Pigeon Dreaming of the open
Waiting for the day
He can spread his wings
And fly away again
Fly away skyline pigeon fly
Towards the dreams
You've left so very far behind
Just let me wake up in the morning
To the smell of new mown hay
To laugh and cry, to live and die
In the brightness of my day
I want to hear the pealing bells
Of distant churches sing
But most of all please free me
From this aching metal ring
And open out this cage towards the sun